Easy Sauteed Mushrooms With Garlic Recipe

Updated: 26 Jun 2023


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Sauteed Mushrooms With Garlic Recipe

Whip up these effortless sauteed mushrooms with garlic in just 20 minutes! By cooking fresh mushrooms in hot olive oil, you draw out their natural earthy, umami essence.

Then garlic joins the party, adding its bright, aromatic punch without overpowering the mushrooms’ subtle flavors. A sprinkle of parsley balances the garlic beautifully.

Best part?

This versatile mushroom sauté complements everything from saucy pastas to juicy steaks. The simple sauté technique helps coax maximum flavor from everyday ingredients.

With minimal time and effort, you can master this delicious, aromatic side to complete countless meals.

What is sauteing?

Sautéing is fast cooking in a hot pan using just a drizzle of oil or butter. You constantly stir and flip the food so it cooks super fast without burning.

Sautéing brings out awesome flavors and textures in meats, veggies, mushrooms, and more without needing to drown food in fat or liquid. It’s a quick cooking method that makes food taste amazing in minutes using minimal ingredients.

Why are Mushrooms perfect for Sauteing?

Why are Mushrooms perfect for Sauteing

Mushrooms are like little flavor sponges – they soak up and amplify any tastes you cook them with.

Sautéing brings out their full, savory umami flavor. Their high moisture content means you barely need any extra fat or liquid to cook mushrooms to tender perfection.

Sautéing preserves the pleasant, bouncy texture too, rather than turning slimy. Mushrooms also happily blend with all kinds of herbs, spices, oils, and more.

Whether you want earthy, bright, or spicy, mushrooms match beautifully.

For an easy, foolproof sautéed side in minutes, you can’t beat fresh mushrooms! Their versatility and juice make them an ideal sautéing ingredient.

How to choose the right mushrooms for sauteing?

1. Look for Firm, Dry Mushrooms

The best mushrooms for sautéing hold their shape and don’t release too much liquid. Look for mushrooms with firm, dry caps and stems. Mushrooms like creminis, white buttons, shiitakes, and oyster mushrooms are great choices. Avoid mushy or wet mushrooms.

2. Opt for Medium or Small Sized

Mushrooms that are too large may not cook evenly when sautéed. Opt for small or medium mushrooms that will cook fast and absorb flavors nicely. Whole mushrooms or sliced work equally well.

3. Buy Fresh When Possible

Fresh mushrooms will sauté up more flavorful than pre-packaged ones. Check farmer’s markets or the produce section for in-season, fresh mushrooms. Store any extra mushrooms in the fridge.

4. Know What Varieties to Use

Heartier mushrooms like creminis, shiitakes, and portobellos are best for sautéing. More delicate mushrooms like chanterelles and enoki may not hold up as well. Experiment to see what kinds you like best!

Types of Mushrooms

Mushrooms aren’t just the classic white buttons and cremises. There’s a whole world of unique mushrooms to explore, each with distinct textures and flavors.

1. Oyster Mushrooms

These have velvety caps in shades of grey, pink or yellow. They have a subtle sweetness.

2. Button Mushrooms

The most common mushroom, with mild flavor and firm, white caps. Great in almost any dish.

3. Cremini Mushrooms

An earthier brown version of button mushrooms with a richer flavor. Perfect for sautéing.

4. Shiitake Mushrooms

Large, tan mushrooms with a meaty texture and intense, smoky flavor.

5. Portobello Mushrooms

Essentially overgrown cremini mushrooms with a meaty, umami taste.

6. Chanterelle Mushrooms

Bright yellow-orange, funnel-shaped mushrooms with fruity aroma and delicate flavor.

Experiment with different mushroom types to liven up your cooking!

Essential Ingredients for Mushroom Saute

1. Mushrooms

Choose fresh, firm mushrooms like white or brown varieties. Medium or small mushrooms sauté up best.

2. Olive Oil

A high smoke point oil like olive oil allows mushrooms to get crispy and browned without burning.

3. Garlic

Minced or pressed garlic adds a punch of flavor. Use just enough to complement the mushrooms.

4. Herbs

Fresh herbs like parsley, thyme, or rosemary season the mushrooms nicely.

5. Salt and Pepper

Salt enhances the mushrooms’ umami flavor. Pepper adds a little kick.

6. Lemon Juice

A squirt of lemon right before serving balances the richness of the mushrooms.

With just these basic ingredients, you can make a tasty mushroom sauté bursting with flavor. Experiment with additions like shallots, butter, or white wine.

Preparing Mushrooms for Sauteing

1. Clean the Mushrooms

Rinse fresh mushrooms briefly under water to clean. Pat dry thoroughly with a paper towel.

2. Trim the Ends

Use a knife to trim the ends of mushroom stems. Discard stems or save for stock.

3. Slice Evenly

Slice mushrooms about 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick so they cook evenly.

4. Give Them Room

Make sure mushrooms are spread out on the cutting board as you prep. Overcrowding bruises them.

5. Don’t Soak

Avoid soaking mushrooms, as that makes them slimy when cooked. Wiping with a damp towel is enough.

6. Use Right Away

Sauté mushrooms soon after prepping for the best flavor and texture.

Following these simple steps ensures your mushrooms are ready for sautéing success!

Easy Sauteed Mushrooms With Garlic Recipe

Easy Sauteed Mushrooms With Garlic Recipe


  • 1 pound fresh mushrooms (any variety), sliced
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves, chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice


1. Get Prepped

Rinse mushrooms and pat dry with a towel. Trim ends of stems. Slice mushrooms about 1/2 inch thick.

2. Heat the Pan

Add olive oil to a large skillet over medium-high heat. When oil is shimmering, add mushrooms in a single layer.

3. Cook and Toss

Cook mushrooms, tossing frequently, for 5-7 minutes until lightly browned.

4. Add Flavor Boosters

Add minced garlic and thyme. Cook for 1 minute more, stirring constantly.

5. Finish Strong

Remove the pan from heat. Add lemon juice, salt and pepper. Toss mushrooms to coat. Serve immediately.

Sauteing Techniques for Perfect Mushrooms

  • Use a Large Pan

Use a big enough skillet or sauté pan so mushrooms have room and don’t steam.

  • Get the Pan Hot

Heat the oil over medium-high heat until shimmering before adding mushrooms.

  • Don’t Overcrowd

Cook mushrooms in a single layer with space between slices. Avoid overcrowding.

  • Keep Them Moving

Frequently toss, stir, or flip mushrooms while cooking so they brown evenly.

  • Cook Until Golden

Sauté mushrooms for 5-7 minutes until lightly browned and tender.

  • Add Aromatics Late

Only add garlic, herbs, and other aromatics during the last 1-2 minutes to prevent burning.

  • Finish with a Splash

Add a squeeze of lemon juice right before serving to brighten the flavors.

Using these easy techniques will help you sauté tender, golden mushrooms bursting with flavor.

Serving Suggestions

Creative Ways to Serve Sautéed Mushrooms.

  • As a Side Dish

Sautéed mushrooms make a simple, tasty side to accompany all kinds of mains like chicken, fish, steak, or chops.

  • Over Pasta

Toss the garlicky mushrooms with hot pasta. Grate Parmesan on top.

  • On Pizza

Heap sautéed mushrooms on homemade or store-bought pizza.

  • In an Omelet

For a hearty breakfast, fill an omelet with the mushroom sauté.

  • On Sandwiches

Pile mushrooms on burgers or sandwiches for extra flavor.

  • With Veggies

Serve mushrooms over roasted vegetables like Brussels sprouts or green beans.

  • As a Topping

Use mushrooms to top salads, flatbreads, nachos, or baked potatoes.

Get creative with easy ways to enjoy these flavorful sautéed mushrooms anytime!

Give Your Sautéed Mushrooms a Flavor Twist

Italian Style – Use olive oil and add minced garlic, basil, oregano, and red pepper flakes.

Greek Style – Sauté in olive oil with garlic, lemon, oregano, and feta cheese.

Tex-Mex Style – Opt for vegetable oil and add cumin, chili powder, cilantro, and lime.

Asian Style – Try sesame oil and add soy sauce, grated ginger, and sesame seeds.

Spanish Style – Sauté in olive oil with smoked paprika, thyme, saffron, and sherry vinegar.

French Style – Use butter and add shallots, thyme, Dijon, and chopped parsley.

Indian Style – Use ghee and add cumin, turmeric, curry and cilantro.

With just a change of oils and herbs, you can give this basic mushroom sauté an exotic twist!

The Many Health Benefits of Eating Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a healthy addition to any diet for several reasons:

  • Mushrooms are very low in calories, fat, and sodium, making them an ideal food for weight management.
  • They provide important nutrients like B vitamins, selenium, potassium, copper, and vitamin D.
  • Mushrooms contain antioxidants that can help neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation.
  • They are a good source of fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and gut health.
  • Mushrooms have been shown to support the immune system, with studied benefits on T-cells and NK cells.
  • Compounds like ergothioneine in mushrooms may help lower oxidative stress in the body.
  • Mushrooms contain choline, which plays a role in muscle movement, mood, memory, and liver function.
  • Certain mushrooms like maitakes may help regulate blood sugar levels.

So feel good about enjoying delicious, nutritious mushrooms as part of an overall healthy lifestyle!

Final Thoughts

Sautéing mushrooms is an easy way to bring out their naturally delicious, earthy flavor. Choosing fresh, firm varieties like creminis ensures the mushrooms will cook up browned and tender. Garlic, herbs, and lemon add brightness. With just a hot skillet and basic ingredients, you can pull together a tasty mushroom sauté in minutes.

The techniques are simple enough for any beginner cook to master. Serve these garlicky mushrooms as a flavorful side for chicken, steak, or pasta. Or get creative and add them to pizza, sandwiches, salads, and more! With so many options for customizing, you could enjoy these quick sautéed mushrooms night after night.


How do you sauté mushrooms?

Heat oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add sliced mushrooms in a single layer. Cook, tossing frequently, 5-7 minutes until browned. Season with salt, pepper and herbs.

Should I sauté mushrooms in oil or butter?

Either oil or butter works for sautéing mushrooms! Olive or vegetable oil lets you cook at higher heat. Butter provides a rich flavor.

How long do mushrooms sauté for?

Cook sliced mushrooms in a hot pan for 5-7 minutes, tossing often, until lightly browned and tender. Avoid overcooking.

Do you sauté mushrooms first or last?

It’s best to sauté mushrooms by themselves instead of with other ingredients since they release moisture. Add aromatics like garlic last.

Can I sauté mushrooms without boiling?

Yes, no boiling is needed! The dry heat of sautéing in a little oil or butter sufficiently cooks mushrooms.

What is the proper way to cook mushrooms?

Sauté over medium-high in oil, tossing frequently until browned. Or roast at 400F for richer flavor. Avoid boiling or microwaving.

How do chefs cook mushrooms?

Chefs commonly sauté or roast mushrooms. Quality ingredients and frequent tossing or stirring are key.

How long does it take to cook mushrooms?

5-7 minutes sautéing sliced mushrooms over medium-high heat, tossing often, until lightly browned. Adjust the time for whole mushrooms.

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Sam Walker

Sam Walker

Hey there, I'm Sam and I'm thrilled to share my passion for Japanese cuisine and cooking here at Hibachi Foods. Our chefs expertly grill up hibachi favorites like fried rice and noodles right at your table. We also serve fresh, hand-rolled sushi every day. Beyond the restaurant, I share quick and easy recipes to help you cook delicious Japanese food at home using everyday ingredients. With my tips, anyone can cook flavorful teppanyaki and sushi - no fancy skills needed!

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