Disclaimer for hibachifoods.com

Updated: 02 Aug 2023


Our food is fire, but this disclaimer is ice. HibachiFoods.com lays out website rules, privacy, reviews, health info and other crucial stuff.

1. Website Rules

The “Terms of Use” explain the rules for using HibachiFoods.com. This includes stuff like being nice, not copying content, and limits on what the website is responsible for.

2. Keeping Your Data Safe

The “Privacy Policy” tells how HibachiFoods.com collects and protects the information you share on the website. This builds trust between users and Hibachi Foods.

3. Health information is Not Advice

The website gives health details for learning only. Visitors should ask doctors before changing their diet.

4. Allergy Alerts

HibachiFoods.com lists ingredients that may cause allergic reactions. Visitors should tell staff about allergies for safe dining.

5. We Don’t Control Other Sites

HibachiFoods.com may link to other websites but is not in charge of those sites’ information or rules.

Reviews on the site are real customers’ opinions. HibachiFoods.com owns the content, which cannot be copied.

7. Contact Info

The website provides contact information for any questions users have.

8. The Bottom Line

It’s important that HibachiFoods.com give this disclaimer information to protect the website and its visitors. Reading it helps everyone stay safe and informed.


What does the Privacy Policy cover?

It tells how the website collects and protects users’ personal information.

Can I copy recipes from the site?

No, all content is copyrighted and cannot be used without permission.

Does the site give medical advice?

No, the information is for learning only. See your doctor for diet advice.

Are customer reviews real?

Yes, all reviews come from actual customers and their real experiences.

Check their contact section for details on reaching them by phone, email, etc.