Easy Homemade Egg Noodles For Chicken Soup

Updated: 30 Mar 2024


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Egg Noodles For Chicken Soup

Slurping up chicken noodle soup from a can or package is okay, but have you ever experienced the heavenly taste of homemade egg noodles for chicken soup?

Imagine twisting those long, golden strands of fresh egg noodles around your fork as you scoop up the rich, steamy broth. The noodles have an incredibly velvety texture that store-bought versions just can’t match. Making your noodles may sound difficult, but it’s super fun and easy! As the delicious aromas of chicken soup with homemade egg noodles waft through your kitchen, you’ll feel like you’ve been transported to your grandma’s cozy home.

A Simple Way to Incredible Flavor

Take your time with the thought of making noodles from scratch – it’s much easier than you think! With just a few simple ingredients like eggs, flour, and a little elbow grease, you can whip up a batch of incredibly fresh, delicious homemade egg noodles for chicken soup. The light chew and rich eggy flavor make the effort worthwhile. Once you taste just how sublime homemade noodles can be, you’ll never go back to the dried stuff again!

Simple Ingredients Needed

Flour – All-purpose flour forms the base of the noodle dough.

It provides structure and that signature chewy texture.

Using half semolina flour adds even more nuttiness.

Eggs – Eggs create richness and bind the dough together.

The yolks contribute an enticing yellow hue.

Use farm-fresh eggs for maximum flavor impact.

Salt – A touch of salt enhances the other flavors.

It also helps develop a nice chew in the noodles.

Don’t oversalt or the noodles may become tough.

Customizing for Diets and Tastes

For those with dietary restrictions, some substitutions allow everyone to enjoy homemade egg noodles. Replace the eggs with (chickpea liquid) or a commercial egg replacer for a vegan version. Gluten-free all-purpose flour can substitute for regular flour. Add herbs, spices, or vegetable purees for extra nutrients or flavors. 

How to Make Delicious Homemade Egg Noodles for Chicken Soup

How to Make Delicious Homemade Egg Noodles for Chicken Soup


  • 2 cups (250g) all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup (125g) semolina flour (or use 3 cups all-purpose flour)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup milk or water, plus more as needed
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil or melted butter (optional, for richer noodles)

For Chicken Soup:

  • 1 whole chicken (3-4 lbs), or equivalent in chicken pieces
  • 12 cups chicken broth or stock
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 3 carrots, sliced
  • 3 celery stalks, sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Chopped fresh parsley for garnish

For a Richer Broth:

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil or butter
  • 1 cup dry white wine or sherry (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step-by-Step Instructions for egg noodles for chicken soup

1. Preparing the Dough

1.1 Mixing the Dry Ingredients:

  • Start by combining the flour(s) and salt in a large bowl.
  • Use a whisk or fork to evenly distribute the salt.
  • Mixing the dry ingredients first prevents clumping.
  • Having them prepped makes adding the wet ingredients easier.

1.2 Creating a Well and Adding the Wet Ingredients

  • Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients.
  • Crack the eggs directly into this well.
  • Slowly drizzle in the milk/water and oil/butter if using.
  • Use a fork to lightly beat the wet ingredients together.
  • Then start incorporating the dry ingredients from the sides.

1.3 Kneading the Dough Until Smooth and Elastic

  • Once roughly combined, turn out dough onto a work surface.
  • Use the heel of your hand to knead and stretch the dough.
  • Continue kneading for 5-10 minutes, adding flour as needed.
  • The dough should become smooth, elastic, and not sticky.
  • Kneading develops gluten for a nice chewy noodle texture.

2. Resting and Rolling the Dough

2.1 Letting the Dough Rest to Develop Gluten

  • After kneading, shape the dough into a ball.
  • Cover it with a damp towel or plastic wrap.
  • Let the dough rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.
  • This resting period allows the gluten strands to relax.
  • The dough will become smoother and easier to roll out.

2.2 Rolling Out the Dough to Desired Thickness

  • Lightly dust your work surface with flour.
  • Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough ball.
  • Roll from the center outwards, maintaining even thickness.
  • For noodles, roll it 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick.
  • Thinner noodles will cook faster in the soup.

2.3 Cutting the Noodles into Strips or Shapes

  • Use a sharp knife or pizza cutter to slice the dough.
  • Or use a cookie cutter for fun noodle shapes!
  • Gently toss the cut noodles with a bit of flour.
  • This prevents sticking while you prep the soup pot.

3. Cooking the Noodles

3.1 Bringing a Pot of Broth or Salted Water to a Boil

Once you’ve cut your fresh homemade egg noodles, it’s time to cook them up! For chicken noodle soup, you’ll want a big pot of chicken broth simmering away. If cooking the noodles separately, bring a large pot of salted water to a rapid boil over high heat. The noodles need lots of room to move around freely as they cook.

3.2 Adding the Noodles and Cooking Time

Carefully drop the fresh egg noodles into the boiling liquid, stirring gently to prevent sticking. The noodles will start to soften immediately. Let them cook for 5-7 minutes, giving the pot an occasional stir. Thin noodles will cook faster, while thicker ones may need a couple of extra minutes.

3.3 Testing for Doneness

Do a taste test after 5 minutes by fishing out a noodle with a fork or slotted spoon. Let it cool for a moment, then take a bite. Perfectly cooked egg noodles should have a firm, chewy texture in the center with no raw doughiness remaining. If undercooked, continue simmering and check again in 1-2 minutes. Overcooked noodles become mushy and limp.

Once your homemade egg noodles reach the ideal al dente texture, they’re ready for your steaming hot chicken soup! Carefully drain the noodles if cooked separately. Then stir them into your flavorful broth along with shredded chicken and veggies.

4. Assembling the Soup (Optional)

4.1 Adding Cooked Noodles to Hot Chicken Broth

If you cooked your homemade egg noodles separately, now is the time to add them to your hot, savory chicken broth. Slowly pour or slide the fresh noodles into the broth pot. Use a spoon or tongs to combine everything gently. The noodles will soak up all those delicious chicken flavors.

You can also add in shredded or diced cooked chicken at this point. Any vegetables like carrots, celery, and onions that you sauteed or cooked with the broth should already be in there. Give it all a gentle stir to incorporate the noodles.

4.2 Garnishing with Fresh Herbs or Other Toppings

To make your homemade chicken noodle soup even more special, consider adding some fresh garnishes on top. Chopped parsley, dill, or chives make a colorful and flavorful finishing touch. You can also sprinkle on some black pepper or crushed red pepper for a little kick.

Once assembled, let your homemade chicken soup with egg noodles sit for 5 minutes so the flavors can meld. Then get ready to luxuriate in each delectable spoonful!

Tips for Making the Best Egg Noodles for Chicken Soup

Tips for Making the Best Egg Noodles for Chicken Soup
  • For an extra rich and tasty noodle, use some egg yolks and whole eggs when making the dough.
  • Instead of regular all-purpose flour, dust the noodles with semolina flour to give them a heartier, rustic texture.
  • Roll the dough out very thin, around 1/8 inch thick, so the noodles cook quickly and have a delicate bite.
  • After cutting the noodles, let them air dry for 30 minutes before cooking to help set their texture.
  • Cook the fresh noodles right in the hot chicken broth so they can soak up all those yummy flavors.
  • Add a small splash of lemon juice or white wine vinegar to the cooking liquid to prevent stickiness.
  • Toss the cooked noodles with a teaspoon of olive oil or melted butter to stop them from clumping together.
  • Finely chopped fresh herbs like parsley, dill, or thyme add a nice aroma and flavor to the noodle dough.
  • Any leftover cooked noodles can be refrigerated or frozen by tossing them with a bit of oil or broth for easy future meals.
  • For fun, kid-friendly shapes, use a pizza cutter or small cookie cutters to cut out the noodles from the rolled dough.

Serving Suggestions

Once you’ve made your fresh egg noodles, it’s time to put them into a delicious chicken soup! Here are some yummy ways to serve up your homemade egg noodles in chicken soup:

1. Classic Chicken Noodle Soup

This is the ultimate comfort food! Ladle the hot chicken broth over your homemade egg noodles in a bowl. So simple but so good!

2. Veggie-Packed Chicken Noodle Soup

Load up on nutrition by adding lots of vegetables to your chicken noodle soup. Toss in fresh or frozen veggies like spinach, zucchini, peas, corn, and mushrooms. The more veggies the better!

3. Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup

Make a creamy, velvety soup base by cooking a roux (butter and flour mixture) and stirring in milk or cream. Pour this rich sauce over the noodles and chicken for an extra comforting soup.

4. Italian-Style Chicken Noodle Soup

Give your soup an Italian twist by adding Italian seasoning, minced garlic, and sprinkling with Parmesan cheese. Garnish with fresh basil leaves.

5. Spicy Chicken Noodle Soup

Kick up the heat by adding red pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, or a drizzle of chili crisp oil over the top of your chicken noodle soup.

6. Shortcut Chicken Soup

Short on time? Use store-bought rotisserie chicken and chicken broth, then just cook your homemade egg noodles to add to the soup for a quick meal.

7. Meal Prep Lunches

Make a big batch of chicken noodle soup with extra noodles and chicken. Portion it out into containers with some broth for easy grab-and-go lunches during the week.

Benefits of Homemade

1. Superior Flavor and Texture

  • It tastes much better than dried packaged noodles.
  • Fresh, eggy richness that can’t be replicated.
  • Delightfully chewy texture from scratch noodles.

2. Cost Effective

  • More economical to make your own.
  • Just a few inexpensive pantry ingredients are required.
  • Make a big batch for multiple meals.

3. Kid-Friendly Activity

  • Fun cooking project to do with kids.
  • Teaches useful skills like mixing and rolling.
  • Kids love playing with dough and noodle shapes.

4. Avoid Additives

  • No preservatives or artificial ingredients.
  • Control exactly what goes into your noodles.
  • Customize for dietary needs and allergies.

5. Cooking Therapy

  • Making noodles from scratch is very satisfying.
  • Relaxing process of kneading and rolling dough.
  • A proud sense of accomplishment when serving.

Final Words

Not only do fresh, homemade noodles vastly outshine the dried, packaged variety in flavor and texture, but you’ll save money too. With just a few simple pantry ingredients, you can craft a big batch to add to your soup and even freeze extras for future meals.

Best of all, you control exactly what goes into your noodles without any sneaky additives or preservatives. Slurping up those rich, eggy, wonderfully chewy homemade noodles in piping hot chicken broth is true comfort food at its finest.

Once you taste how sublime these noodles are, you’ll never go back to the stuff in a bag again.

So tie on an apron and get kneading – the fresh, delicious taste of homemade egg noodles makes the effort worth it!


Should you pre-cook egg noodles before adding them to soup?

It’s generally better to cook fresh egg noodles directly in the hot soup broth rather than pre-cooking them separately. This allows the noodles to soak up all the delicious chicken flavors as they cook. Pre-cooked noodles may get mushy when added to the soup.

How do you keep egg noodles from getting mushy in chicken noodle soup?

To prevent mushy egg noodles, don’t overcook them. Only simmer fresh noodles in the broth for 5-7 minutes until they reach an al dente texture in the center. Using thicker, chewier noodles also helps them hold their texture better in the soup without getting soggy.

What egg noodles are best for soup?

Homemade egg noodles made from scratch are the absolute best for chicken noodle soup. But if using dried, look for thick, hearty egg noodles rather than thin vermicelli-style noodles which can turn to mush. Whole wheat or spinach egg noodles add extra flavor too.

Can you put uncooked egg noodles in soup?

Yes, you can add uncooked fresh egg noodles directly to the hot chicken broth in your soup pot. As long as the broth is simmering, the noodles will cook in the soup. This ensures they soak up maximum flavor from the broth.

Do you have to dry homemade egg noodles before cooking?

It’s best to let freshly made egg noodles air dry for 30 minutes to 1 hour before cooking. This drying time allows the outer noodle surface to develop a protective barrier so the noodles don’t disintegrate when boiled. Toss dried noodles with flour or semolina to prevent sticking.

Should you cook noodles before adding them to chicken noodle soup?

For maximum flavor absorption and ideal texture, it’s recommended to cook fresh egg noodles directly in the hot chicken broth rather than pre-cooking them separately and then adding them to the soup. This ensures the noodles don’t get mushy or waterlogged.

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Sam Walker

Sam Walker

Hey there, I'm Sam and I'm thrilled to share my passion for Japanese cuisine and cooking here at Hibachi Foods. Our chefs expertly grill up hibachi favorites like fried rice and noodles right at your table. We also serve fresh, hand-rolled sushi every day. Beyond the restaurant, I share quick and easy recipes to help you cook delicious Japanese food at home using everyday ingredients. With my tips, anyone can cook flavorful teppanyaki and sushi - no fancy skills needed!

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